Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Food Scale

I couple months ago I was smart enough to purchase a food scale. It has been a saving grace for me, I love it! I measure everything out exactly, my rice, sandwich veggies, meat, and especially, cheese. Cheese is something that most people would over estimate the look of 1 serving, and with cheese, you to be careful since it packs alot of calories into a tiny serving. I'm thinking from now on I'm going to list grams on my food journal instead of converting it to ounces from now on. I weigh everything in grams, cause I feel it's more precise. For things like meat, though, I think it's easier to judge by ounces. But I've been measuring out everything I have, on the food scale, with measuring cups, and with measuring spoons. I like to avoid measuring cups whenever I can though, there's too much wiggle room when you use them. So for my rice tonight, I needed 1 cup dry, so I weighed out the grams for it (based on the serving chart on the box). So I knew I had exactly what my serving was suppossed to be, not an approximation. My guy even weighed out the grams of the green pepper slices than went on my sandwiches! Now that's precise. Today all I wanted was CHEESE, lol, so my guy and I measured out 100 calories of it so I didn't go crazy with it. If you're curious...100 calories was 25g of pre-shredded cheese; a full serving is 120 calories, which is 30g, just a teeny bit over 1oz(28g).
Well, lastly, a little bit about how today went. 1788 calories as you can see in the previous post! I'm really happy with that, I'm a tiny bit hungry right now, but that's just because I recently woke up from a little nap, lol. So all went well, another OP day! Oy...I want a cookie, lol. I was going to have a cookie as a between meal snack earlier but I went with a serving of cheese instead, so now my cookie craving is still around, lol. That's okay, I will fit one into my calories tomorrow if I still want it. \m/


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