Monday, January 12, 2009

My 299 in 299 Challenge!!!

My "299 in 299" Challenge!!

GOAL: To reach 299lbs in 299 days!

STARTING DATE: January 12th 2009
END DATE: November 7th 2009

POUNDS TO LOSE IN 299 DAYS: 66.6 (approx. 1.6lbs/week)

Here's how it will work:
I will check in with a special update post after my normal weekly weigh-in, but for this I will check in 4 times, here is when:
March 23rd 2009 (10 weeks in)
June 1st 2009 (20 weeks in)
August 10th 2009 (30 weeks in)
November 7th 2009 (42 weeks + 5 days in...aka 299 days in!)
I will also be taking my measurements today and probably posting them up, so those will be redone on Day 299 to check my progress as well!
Now, I know 1.6lbs a week doesn't seem that difficult...but averaging 1.6lbs a week every week for nearly a year...that's another thing, LOL. So, please wish me luck!! I hope I can do this! I will see you for an update in 10 weeks! :-D


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