Friday, February 20, 2009

My Measurements #2

Finally!! It has been nearly 3 months to the day since I started, and I've lost over 25 pounds to date. Here are my 3 month measurement results:

My Current Measurements: February 20th 2009
Starting Measurements: November 21st 2008
Neck: 17.25" (-0.75)
Chest: 51.5" (-2.0)
Bust: 56.75" (-2.75)
Ribcage: 51.5" (-2.5)
Upper Arm: 19″ / 18″ (No Change) (Right/Left)
Forearm: 15″ / 14″ (-1.0/-1.0)
Wrist: 8.5″ / 8.5″ (-0.5/No Change)
Waist: 54.25" (-0.75)
Bellybutton: 57.75" (-0.75)
Hips: 65" (-2.0)
Upper Thigh: 37" / 36" (-1.0/-2.0)
Above Knee: 31" / 31" (-0.5/-1.0)
Calf: 25" / 24" (-0.5/-0.5)
Ankle: 11.25" / 11.25" (No Change/-0.25)

Next measurements (#3): May 2009?

Notes: Well in my first 3 months I have lost about 25 pounds (as of my last weigh-in) and after adding up all of these numbers I have also lost 19.75"!!! YAY!!! I'm finally seeing some progress - not on my stomach though apparently, which annoys me - so, all good for now. Hopefully I will have more inch and pound losses to come! =)


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